Saturday, March 3, 2012

How provides instant return on investment

In this post I want to discuss how provides instant return on investment.

Return on investment is a very popular phrase in the business community these days. While the phrase is not new, with the "down" economy businesses are looking to get a return out of every dollar spent. Businesses are also looking to get that return faster than ever. ROI is defined by as "A profitability measure that evaluates the performance of a business by dividing net profit by net worth". There are more elaborations on this here. You can read more on ROI on by clicking here. There are many more definitions but they all boil down to the same question. Simply put, if I put resources such as time and money into something such as a project or task, what do I get back out of it?

In order to show how provides instant ROI, I want to ask a few questions. 

How do you measure ROI?
What tools do you use to measure if you are getting a return?

How do you measure ROI?

In my mind it all comes down to dollars and cents.

Our web based platform gives you the ability to sell your unique products and services as soon as today. The setup of products from your ship store takes seconds... not minutes or hours. These products can be sold online as soon as you configure them. Fuel sales can be set up in seconds... not minutes or hours and can be sold online as soon as you configure it. Other products or services such as detailing or mechanic services take just minutes to set up and configure. This means you can use our marina software to start selling today! Not tomorrow or next week, today.

This answers the question "if I put resources such as time and money into something such as a project or task, what do I get back out of it?". With our marina software you put in minutes worth of effort and you can increase sales and revenue. All before you even make a payment! If you know that your customers are making purchases such as fuel, ice, drinks, bait and other supplies and you already sell them what would keep you from marketing those items to your existing customers? Why wouldn't you use tools to market these sales? Why would you let those dollars go to the gas station, bait and tackle store? With our marina software platform all of the "behind the scenes" work is already done. All you need to do is log on and fill out a simple form to start selling to your existing customers right now!

 Your customers can begin to use the software on their own immediately. Enter an email address for your boat owners and our marina software platform takes over from there. We will send them an email inviting them to join and when they do we will guide them through the automated process every step of the way. No hard setup and no hard selling, simply an invite to join a wonderful service that their marina has provided to them for free.

You can begin to send electronic solicitations immediately. When a customer makes a request such as a boat launch or fuel fill up, you can solicit them by sending a message offering to provide them with any product or service your business offers. You can begin to use our email marketer feature immediately. Here you can filter your customer base on attributes such as (but not limited to) the age of their vessel, length, motor horse power and number of motors. Maybe you want to send a mechanic special for lube and filter to all boats more than 10 years old. Simply enter your criteria in our intuitive screens and type a personal message if you desire. You can begin to sell products and services your customer never knew you offered.

What tools do you use to measure if you are getting a return?

You can measure ROI with integrated tools built right into out marina software platform.With our reporting features you can query to see all items that are sale or revenue producing with a few mouse clicks. You can see these day over day, month over month or for longer periods.

In conclusion, we offer a marina software platform that can generate instant ROI because it can begin to work for you in minutes, long before your dues is due. Your business can receive increased revenue generation for products and services you already offer. This can start today.

You can read more about how can provide your business with instant ROI by clicking here and here.

If you would like to schedule an in person or online demo explaining more please click here

Until next time,

The Team


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